
Call Of Duty Going Forward

Activision New Product Idea

Submitted 311 days ago

I have over 1500 days of playtime across all cod titles from 2007-2023. Please here me out. CoD 4 remastered with better graphics but not as hard to run as current titles. Implememt the movement and mobility from CodMW2019/Warzone 1. Please allow me to explain. Counterstrike is popular because every pc can run it at 100-300 fps and because of the skin trading community market. Cod 4 maps and weapons were perfect. If you guys remade cod 4 multiplayer with the mobility options from warzone 1 and brought back verdansk and rebirth island as the battle royal maps as well as created a skin selling option on steam just like CSGO has it would be the number 1 game for decades to come. This game needs to have simple menus to navigate like cod 4. Menus that are not taxing on gpus like warzone 1 or confusing like warzone 2. Keep it simple in terms of weapons and attachments like cod 4 but release new skins with qualities likes CSGO. Release season passes every 4 months = 3 per year with calling cards and keys and new loot boxes with new skins for the weapons just like csgo. Partner with steam and stop trying to compete with them. Gamers want 1 launcher to rule them all. Gamers don't like downloading multiple launchers and making new accounts every year. Keep the game simple and optimized. Add in new multiplayer maps and make the competitive mode worth while by hosting tournaments. I honestly believe a game with these features would be the most popular game in history. You have made warzone 2s graphics so good that no one can afford the tech required to run them. You have made the menus so confusing that people refuse to play the game. It appears to me that none of the current developers and publishers are listening to their players which is why they are all failing. Examples? Bungie removed all the content from destiny 2 that people paid for so the game died. 343 released Halo Infinite to early and still have not optimized it so no one plays. COD mw2 and Warzone 2 requires a 5000$ pc to play it with decent looking graphics and the menus are hard to navigate so no one plays it. Lost Ark Smilegate refuses to listen to their players about too much daily chores in the game and bad pvp so it died and they've tarnished their reputation. CSGO is easy to navigate and easy to run on PC and has a community market based around skins so everyone plays it even though its inferior to all the cod titles. The game runs well and looks fine. Its really not hard, and we the players understand that you do what you do because money is your only motivation. You want people to buy the newest technology, you want people to buy your games every year, you want people to buy your seasons passes and skins. But no one wants to buy temporary art work in a game that will be replaced in a year. No one wants to spend time on games when all that time and effort will be deleted on the next titles release. No one wants to buy a game they know their pc can't run. And no one wants to spend money on your company with the hopes that their investment will be used to make a bad game better when we all know it goes to the next title which will always be the same story over and over. If you really want to do something for your community and make money and build rapport with your players, make this idea a reality. Earn back some respect. You can't continue down the quick cash grab path you've been taking since advanced and infinite warfare. You keep losing players and payers. Your reputation is declining and no one is excited for your games. Listen to your community. Activision and Infinityward need to stop trying to be competition to steam and just move your games over too steam. Gamers want simple, gamers want optimized, gamers want 1 launcher. Make it happen. You have my permission to use me ideas. I do not want any money or recognition. Thanks.

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